Frequently Asked Questions
Starting out at FAU
What is the admission process for veterans/ active service-members at FAU?
There is one application process for all prospective FAU students. Admission requirements and applications for all types of FAU applicants (freshman, transfer, graduate, etc.) may be accessed via the Admissions webpage. Before applying, please ensure your program of choice is VA approved to receive your benefits. The VA approved programs list available on our website.
Can I receive college credit for military training?
i.Florida Atlantic University allows students who are or were eligible members of the United States Armed Forces to earn appropriate academic college credit for college-level training and education acquired in the military. Such academic credit shall be provided as set forth below.
ii. Any military training you received that may qualify for college credit is evaluated by the FAU Registrar’s Office, however, military service related credits are ultimately accepted by the academic dean for your chosen degree program, who may then apply some or all of those credits toward your degree requirements. Provide the Admissions Office with your official military transcripts, or Joint Service Transcript (JST), along with a copy of your DD214 Member 4. Access the JST webpage to order an official military transcript.
How may I get an official copy of the Joint Service transcript (JST)?
Access the JST webpage to order an official militarytranscript.
Note: A notification that the military transcript site is unsecured may appear when clicking on the link above. However, if you are accessing this site though a device and network you trust, it should be safe to proceed to the site.
How may I get a copy of my DD214?
All military service members receive their discharge papers (DD214) upon release from active dutyservice. Most veterans and their next-of-kin can obtain a copy of their DD214 through the National Archives Veterans’ Records Service.
Do military and veteran students receive a discounted tuition rate?
Federal and state laws grantthe in-state tuition rate to honorably discharged veterans, active duty military and their dependents stationed in the state of Florida, as well as members of the Florida National Guard and Reserves regardless of their state of residency, provided that they are living in the state of Florida while attending FAU. In-state tuition is not guaranteed for dependents of veterans.
Eligible veterans/dependents may access the Out of State waiver form via FAU-MVSSC, 30 days before the start of the new semester. The form is not required for active duty service members stationed in the state of Florida, please contact the Residency office and check out FAU’s Florida Residency Guidelines
VA Education Benefits
Does FAU accept VA education Benefits? If so which ones?
Yes, FAU’s MVSSC Office assists military/veterans and their dependents who are entitled to VA educational benefits under Chapters 30, 31, 33, 35, & 1606. FAU also accept military tuition assistance for eligible service members
Does FAU accept VA education Benefits? If so which ones?
Yes, FAU’s MVSSC Office assists military/veterans and their dependents who are entitled to VA educational benefits under Chapters 30, 31, 33, 35, & 1606. FAU also accept military tuition assistance for eligible service members
How do I know which VA educational benefits chapter is right for me?
Details regarding the different Veteran Affairs educational-benefit chapters may be found on the Education and Training section of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs web page. Please be advised that the Comparison Tool/Payment Rates are only guidelines, and that your actual educational benefits can only be verified by the VA.
For more information regarding Florida specific benefits, including those for Purple Heart recipients and childrenand dependents of POW and MIA military members, please visit the Florida Department of Veteran Affairs webpage or call (850) 245-0407.
How do I apply for VA benefits?
You may qualify for more than one type of Veteran Affairs (VA) education benefit. Since applying for a certain education benefit could affect your eligibility for others, you should consider your options before selecting a benefit program. You may contact the VA Educational Student Hotline for more at 1-888-442-4551.
What is Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)?
Veteran Readiness &Employment (VR &E), sometimes referred to as the Chapter 31 program, provides services to eligible Service members and Veterans with service-connected disabilities to help them prepare for, obtain, and maintain suitable employment or achieve independence in daily living. For more information click HERE
How do I begin using my VA educational benefits?
To begin utilizing VA educational benefits, visit the Department of Veteran affairs and fill out the online application form for education benefits. The VA will mail a Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) after the application has been approved.
Note: Remember to save the confirmation number after you have applied, as it may assist if thereis a delay in receiving your Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) from the VA.
After the application for educational benefits has been completed, you will need to certify your enrollment for benefits with the FAU-MVSSC. Please contact our office for more when you are ready to request an enrollment certification.
I am a military/veteran dependent. What steps should I take to obtain VA education benefits?
You or your parent/guardian should contact the VA Educational Student Hotline at 1-888-442-4551 to determine which benefits you may qualify for before. You may also review the different benefits via the VA webpage
How do I know how many months of VA educational benefits I have remaining?
You may access your remaining education benefits on the VA eBenefits page if utilizing Post 9/11 benefits. Log into your existing account or register for an account Manage Benefits Education.
Go to the GI Bill® Website ( >> Select the “Submit a Question” option >> If you have an existing account, log in >> If not, you will need to use the “Sign up” link to establish an account. Once you are logged in, select the “Ask a Question” tab at the top >> For subject, put “GI Bill® Certificate of Eligibility” >> For question, put in something like “I am requesting a duplicate copy of my GI Bill® Certificate of Eligibility be mailed to me. >> Product is “GI Bill®” • Category is the benefit you are eligible for Under the benefit you are eligible for, select eligibility >> Submit your request. >> A duplicate Certificate of Eligibility will be mailed to you.
Will VA educational benefits pay for all of my courses?
VA educational benefits will only pay for the courses required for your chosen major. For this reason, it is highly recommended that all students meet with their academic advisor in order to ensure enrollment in courses that are relevant to the degree program. You may make an advising appointment through the Florida Atlantic University Advising Services.
Will VA educational benefits cover the cost of remedial or deficiency courses?
Most VA educational benefit programs cover the cost of remedial or deficiency courses, but only if a placement test indicates that you need to take that type of course, or if the course is required as a prerequisite for another course in your major.
When will I receive my VA educational benefits?
The initial request for educational benefit can take several weeks for the VA to process. Once you have established that you will be using your VA educational benefits with FAU, the VA Certification Request is typically a much faster turnaround. You can ensure the quickest delivery of your educational benefits by submitting all required materials as early as possible when the form is made available.
If I qualify for Chapter 33 benefits, when can I expect to receive my textbook stipend and housing allowance?
The textbook stipend is paid as soon as your VA educational benefits request is processed. It is recommended that students buy their required texts as soon as possible and think of the textbook stipend as a reimbursement. It is also important to understand that the current textbook stipend for full-time students is $1,000 split between the fall/spring semester for the entire year, this may not cover the costs of all your textbooks over the year.
The Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and all other monthly stipends are paid retroactively at the end of each month during a semester. Partial months are paid at a prorated rate to be determined by the VA based on how many actual days of classes you have attended. For example, the BAH you receive in the Month of January will be for December classes and will be minus whatever amount the VA deducts for the days after the end of the fall semester.
What is the VA full-time credit hour requirement for undergraduate students?
FAU undergraduate students are required to take a minimum of 12 credit hours in the spring/fall semester to classify as a full-time student. However, also review the credit hour enrollment type (resident/distance learning) requirements for full-time in person education benefits rating, as well as for any financial purposes.
How does the VA calculate benefits for educational training for undergraduate students?
The VA calculates your benefit amount based on the following formula:
Note: to receive full in person MHA, you must be enrolled in person courses.
Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®®) All other VA educational benefits (or Chapters)
- 11 credit hours = 90% of all educational benefits 12 credit hours or more = Fulltime
- 10 credit hours = 80% 9 to 11 credit hours = Three-quarter time
- 9 credit hours = 80% 6 to 8 credit hours = Half-time
- 8 credit hours = 70% 4 and 5 credit hours = Less than half, more than one quarter
- 7 credit hours = 60% 1 to 3 credit hours = Quarter-time
How does the VA calculate benefits for educational training for graduate students?
FAU graduate students are required to take a minimum of 9 credit hours in the spring/fall semester to classify as a full-time student. However, also review the credit hour enrollment type (resident/distance learning) requirements for full-time in person education benefits rating, as well as for any financial purposes.
Does not being classified as a fulltime undergrad student affect other VA educational benefits?
If you are receiving Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®®) educational benefits, and you are not registered for at least 51% of fulltime status, or a minimum of 6.12 credit hours, you will not be eligible to receive the Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA). Also, at least one credit hour each semester must physically be taken on campus/in person.
If you receive VA educational benefits other than Chapter 33 and take less than half of the fulltime credit hours, you will only have benefits paid for by the VA according to the rate of pursuit.
Examples: If full-time is 12 credits, then RoP:credits (or credit equivalents) is 50% (6 ̧ 12 = 50%)
7 credits (or credit equivalents) is 58% (7 ̧ 12 = 58%)
What types of “mitigating circumstances” are acceptable to the VA for dropping a class or withdrawing from courses at FAU?
Mitigating circumstances include (1) personal illness or injury, (2) the death, illness or serious injury of a family member, (3) relocation due to employment, (4) work-schedule conflict, or (5) hardships. If you claim a mitigating circumstance for dropping a class or withdrawing from FAU, the VA will require in-depth statements and supporting documents before approving payment. If you have other reasons for dropping or withdrawing, you may also provide those in writing to the VA.will be for December classes and will be minus whatever amount the VA deducts for the days after the end of the fall semester.
Enrollment Certifications & More
What documents do I need to submit to the FAU MVSSC in order to receive VA educational benefits?
All students receiving VA educational benefits Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill®®) Chapter 31(Veteran Readiness & Employment) Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®®), Chapter 35 (Spouse/Dependent), Chapter 1606 (Reserve/Guard) must submit the Enrollment Certification RequestForm and attach a copy of the CoE letter to the form. Repeat with each semester. The Enrollment Certification Request Form can be found on the FAU Military and Veterans Affairs web page, This process is completed solely online. Email submissions are not accepted.
Request Form and CoE: if you are a transfer/new student who have used the benefits at another institution previously, complete the VA’s request for change of program/place of training VA Form 22-1995 (Veterans) VA-Form 22-5495 (Dependents/spouse).
Note: Save a copy of the claims process page for the above forms after you’ve submitted the application to the VA, as it may assist if there is a delay in receiving your updated Certificate of Eligibility (CoE) from the VA.
When should I submit my VA Certification Request Form?
Students receiving VA educational benefits should register for classes and submit the VA Certification Request form 30 days before the semester is scheduled to start, or when the form is made available to ensure prompt payments, and deferments are applied to the account.
Do I need to submit the enrollment certification request form for each semester?
Yes! A new submission of the enrollment certification request form is required for each semester, in order to receive yourbenefits from the VA.
What happens if I change my schedule after I submit my VA Certification Request Form to the Student Military and Veteran Center?
Resubmit the VA Enrollment Certification Request Form, note enrollment changes, list the course credit hours as listed on your registration, or “WD-for Withdraw, DD-for Dropped, or CA-for Cancelled”, which ever apply.
Note: Add/Drop competed after the add/drop period may be subject to an overpayment from the institute if funds for the courses are returned to the VA.
Will I have to pay back the tuition costs to the VA if I fail a class, repeating a course?
You do not have to pay the VA back if you do not pass a course. VA education benefits will pay for you to repeat the course if it is required for your degree program(not including surcharge fees). However, if you drop or withdraw from a class after the add/drop period, you will have to pay the VA back if you received benefits for the course.
If I drop or withdraw from a class, will doing so affect my VA educational benefits?
If you withdraw from a class before the deadline date andareassigned a“W”to not affect your GPA and which the VA treats as having no effect on your transcript. If you drop a class which then changes your attendance status from fulltime, the VA will require you to repay any fundsyou received for attendance in that class unless you have extenuating circumstances. If you feel you have a legitimate reason for dropping the class orwithdrawing from a class, you can petition the VA and ask that you be allowed to maintain your rate of pay up to the last date of class attendance.
When should I register for classes?
Students should meet with their academic advisor and confirm the dates with the FAU academic calendar before registering for classes. It is important to maintain a flight plan and stay on track, so as to not run out of benefits before you can attain your degree.
What is a deferment?
A deferment is a way of extending the tuition payment deadline. This means there will not be an immediate “hold” placed on your FAU account for unpaid tuition. If you receive a deferment and for some reason the anticipated funds do not arrive, it is your responsibility to pay your account balances in full. VA education benefits students will move into a deferred category once the VA Enrollment Certification Request Formis submitted to the MVSSC However, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure the requested is submitted during the add/drop period to avoid late fee charges and course cancellation for non-payments. Contact MVSSC to ensure the deferment has been granted.
Excessive credits, what if Ienrollin a class that does not count towards my currentprogram of study which the VA issue benefits towards?
Students using VA education benefits for their enrollments should not register for courses that are not applicable to the current program of study. Any courses that are not deemed applicable to the current program of study will not be certified to the VA, and any fees incurred for these courses are the responsibility of the student.
Transcript Fee Waiver
Active Duty Military/Honorably Discharged Veteran/and spouse and dependents may be eligible for the waiver of the $10 transcript fee. Visit the registrar page for more on requesting the waiver and the form.
I am a classified as an Out-of-state/non-FL Resident, are the Out-of-State Fees waived?
State and federal law extends Out-of-State (OOS) tuition waivers to studentswho are: Honorably discharged veterans of the U.S Armed Forces, the U.S Reserve Forces, and the National Guard, Eligible veteran dependents using V.A. educational benefits, and Spouse and dependents of active duty service members.
The Veteran OOS Tuition Waiver program for Florida colleges and universities:
- Is classified as a tuition waiver
- It exempts eligible students from being held to the 12-month residency rule for Out-of-State students
- It cannot be granted to students who live outside of Florida except in the case of active duty service members
- It requires documentation that students who receive the waiver reside in Florida, exceptin the case of active duty service members
- nd/or the spouse and dependents of active duty service members
- It expires for dependents who exhaust V.A. educational benefits
Regardless of the student’s state of residency, honorably discharged veterans, and eligible dependents/spouse using V.A. educational benefit, the OOS tuition waiver is applicable as long as they physically reside in Florida during their time in school. The waiver program also includes active duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces residing or stationed outside of Florida. Members stationed in or living in Florida may establish residency under theFAU Registrar. See next question.
Out of state Fees for Active Duty members, spouse and dependents?
Current law classifies active duty members and their families as residents for tuition purposes in certain instances. It specifies that active duty members of the U.S. Armed Services, their spouse, and dependents are classified as residents for tuition purposes if they:
Reside or are stationed in Florida atthe time of acceptance to a public college or state university OR if they are attending a public college or state university within 50 miles of the military establishment, where the active duty service member is stationed at the time of acceptance to a public college or state university.
Does FAU offer ROTC?
Yes. FAU directly offer Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC which is Hosted by the University of Miami. Learn more FAU Army ROTC and FAU Air Force ROTC.
Does FAU accept Military Tuition Assistance (TA)?
Yes! FAU accept military TA.You must apply for the TA applicable to your branch of service. You will receive the approved TA form from your branch, which MUST be turned in to the controller’s office at FAU to utilize the benefits.
- Air Force Tuition Assistance
- Army Tuition Assistance
- Navy Tuition Assistance
- Marines Tuition Assistance
- Coast Guard Tuition Assistance
- FL National Guard Tuition Assistance-Educational Dollars for Duty (EDD)
- Air National Guard–if activated you may become eligible for the Air Force TA
- Reserve Tuition Assistance–Availability is determined by your respective branch.