

SPOT is an anonymous and effective tool given at the end of each semester to help evaluate the quality of instruction and improve the university’s education standards.

spot(学生对教学形式的感知)将是 完成在线. Faculty no longer provide paper SPOTs in class at the end of the semester.  Please remember to complete the SPOTs for the classes in which you are enrolled. 要完成SPOT,请访问 http://spot.bj7dian.com. 请注意,一些教师可能会要求您在课堂上使用智能手机或平板电脑完成SPOT.

请记住,分数是评估教学质量的一个非常有效的工具.  Departments, schools, and colleges use individual instructor data and comments in annual evaluations, 还有终身职位和晋升.  SPOT结果将在学期结束后以总结形式提交给教员. Individual SPOT responses are completely anonymous and remain anonymous. 教师没有办法将SPOT与特定的学生联系起来.

step one

Go to http://spot.bj7dian.com/

step two

使用您的FAU NetId登录

step three



如果你对这个过程有任何疑问, 请与测试和认证办公室联系 spot@bj7dian.com

* 请注意,一些教师可能会要求您在课堂上使用智能手机完成SPOT.



SPOT is an anonymous and effective tool given at the end of each semester to help evaluate the quality of instruction and improve the university’s education standards.

如果你没有收到任何成绩, there is a high probability that your class was ineligible for a SPOT Report. Those individual 教员 with SPOT eligible classes can also access all of their past SPOT Results from our website: http://www.bj7dian.com/spot/. SPOT评论不能在SPOT网站上找到.

以下是现货市场的开盘和收盘日期 4 terms of Summer 2024. SPOT(学生对教学的感知 Summer 2024 会在不同的日子中午12点01分上线吗.m.  这取决于上课的学习时间. 最后一天的截止时间是晚上11点59分.m.


TERM 开放时间为上午12:01 截止日期为晚上11:59


第一个5周 N/A N/A
First Half 6月11日(星期二) 6月20日(星期四)
第二个5周 N/A N/A
第三个5周 N/A N/A
Full Term 七月二十二日(星期一) 八月一日(星期四)
Second Half 七月二十三日(星期二) 八月一日(星期四)


由于不可预见的情况, 根据教务长, 2021年秋季学期只发布了SPOT评论.  2021年秋季的SPOT调查数据不可用.



General Student Faculty


What is SPOT
SPOT (学生对教学的感知) is an anonymous and effective tool given to students at the end of each semester term to help evaluate the quality of instruction and improve the university’s education standards.



3) These evaluations are a way for the instructor and department to gauge areas of strengths and weaknesses and should be regarded as a positive learning tool. 
Student feedback is vital to the content and delivery of courses at FAU. SPOT results are used by the faculty to improve teaching and are a component in the promotion and tenure process of faculty.
The survey results are viewed by school deans, department chairs and faculty. 收集到的信息被用作改进太阳城在线娱乐教学过程的一部分.
1)课程形式以个人指导为中心,如实习或监督研究. 这将使班级没有资格获得SPOT.

2) There are fewer than 5 students in the class or fewer than 5 students combined in multiple cross-listed classes. 这将使班级没有资格获得SPOT.

3) It is too early before the SPOT period or too late after the SPOT period. 如果学生在指定的SPOT时间窗口内完成了SPOT测试,则会进行SPOT测试.
SPOT opens on its first day at 12:01 am Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Time depending on the time of year. SPOT closes on its last day at 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time or Eastern Daylight Time depending on the time of year. 对于其他时区的人, always use New York (USA) time in trying to figure the time difference. FAU和纽约(美国)总是有相同的时间.
为了简化调查过程, FAU transitioned to an online course evaluation system in the Fall of 2014. The online system is convenient, efficient, and environmentally friendly.
3)通过删除数据输入来增加管理的便利性, 原料配送, collection, and process-explanation responsibilities that rested on both staff and faculty
4)通过消除学生参与管理,增加系统的安全性和一致性, collect, 并提交评估;
5) Increase the feeling in students that they may generate and submit comments at their leisure rather than on the command
7) Increase the speed of processing for submitted evaluations and availability to 教员/员工 and administrators.
不幸的是,它一旦关闭就无法重新开放. However, if there has been a technical issue which prevented students from participating in SPOT and final grades have not been released to students, a professor would have to petition the administrators of SPOT who would then contact the Dean of Undergraduate Studies who would make the final decision on whether to open a class’ SPOT.
When will semester SPOT Reports and Comments be sent to professors, chairs and deans?
The results of these evaluations are used to provide feedback to instructors and to assist with assessment of teaching during considerations for merit raises, 连任, promotion, tenure, 安排和修改课程.
Web-based course evaluations are electronic questionnaires requiring a written answer or selected response to a series of questions in order to evaluate the instruction of a given course. These evaluations are a means to produce useful as well as timely feedback, which instructors and their departments can use to improve quality of instruction. It is done completely on line including participation, marketing and results.
How do you use the SPOT database to find SPOT scores from the past?
请访问FAU SPOT网站:http://www.bj7dian.com/spot/. 去右边的部分,SPOT结果. 点击“2015秋季” & 期货条款现货”. 或者去右边的部分,过去的斑点结果. 点击“2015夏季” & 先前条款”或“2013年秋季” & Prior Terms". 点击“按三个变量之一搜索:教师姓名”, 前缀和航线序列号或crn#”. 然后选择要搜索的学期. 如果一个类生成了一个SPOT报告,它将被显示出来. 如果没有,则生成以下消息:“对不起,没有找到您的搜索参数的结果. 请再试一次." One must be precise with all data entries to generate the proper results.
What are the schedule types (or class types) which are SPOT eligible?
Laboratory, 讲座和讨论, Lecture, 讲座与实验, Studio, 性能的指令, 讨论和专题课程
What are the schedule types (or class types) which are not SPOT eligible?
Co-op, Dissertation, 独立学习, Internship, 硕士论文, 监督研究, 监督教学, 私人课, Studio, 监督教学和通用组合时间表代码
实际上,SPOT由多个部门负责. 在SPOT上工作的部门团队由本科生教务长领导. SPOT的规章制度是由教务长制定的. 计算机接口和技术操作由信息技术办公室负责. SPOT long-term data storage and SPOT department mean generation are run by Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis. 决定班纳初始SPOT资格的SPOT类别信息由注册商维护. The SPOT Opening and Closing dates are decided by the Faculty Senate. SPOT's daily operations are maintained by the Office of Testing and Certification. 任何问题和疑虑都应通过电子邮件发送至 spot@bj7dian.com. 请不要打电话.

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首先,这个班级可能是不合格的. If a class is centered around individual instruction like an internship, for example, 它将没有资格获得SPOT. Second, if the class (or Cross Section of classes) has fewer than 5 students, the class (or Cross Section of classes) will be ineligible for a SPOT. 第三,时机不对. 每个类都有一个特定的SPOT时间窗口. 通常情况下,这个期限是7天.
我在提交的SPOT上犯了个错误. 我能回去修吗?
Each class survey typically takes between 3-5 minutes to complete. 如果您决定添加注释,则可能需要更长的时间.
No. The only information that a professor has about a SPOT before final grades are turned in is that a professor can see how many students from a class have completed a SPOT. Also, professors typically won't receive their SPOT Reports and Comments until at least 2 weeks after final grades have been submitted.
After final grades are submitted, can a professor find out who submitted which SPOT?
不,所有SPOT记录都是匿名的. However, please be aware that if a student mentions specific class details in their Comments that it might identify him/her; however, the professor would be unable to link the comments to the individual SPOT rating since all SPOT ratings are aggregated.
我如何访问我的课程SPOT ??
点击FAU SPOT主页上的“点击这里”超链接. 您必须使用您的FAU ID和密码登录. 此信息不作为反馈数据的一部分提交. 所有调查都是匿名的.
第一个5周学期, Second 5 Week Term and Third 5 Week Term - for 8 days prior to the last day of class.
First Half Term and Second Half Term - for 10 days prior to the last day of class.
No. Instructors can view the response rates (number of students who completed the SPOT) for their courses while the surveys are open, 但不能查看任何其他数据. 这些调查是由信息技术办公室集中管理的。. OIT不隶属于任何学术单位和/或教员.
是的,SPOT是移动友好的. 你可以登录http://spot完成太阳城在线娱乐调查.fau.Edu在移动设备上.
Should I provide SPOT feedback for all of the instructors listed for the class?
Submit surveys only for those courses with the correct instructor name. 有些课程列出了多个讲师. 请忽略那些你看到的没有教太阳城在线娱乐老师的课程列表.
1) You are not viewing the link during the date range allocated for submitting a SPOT.
2)某些类型的课程不包括在SPOT中, 特别的合作, Dissertation, 独立学习, Internship, 硕士论文, 监督研究, 监督教学, 私人课, Studio, 监督教学.
您必须使用您的FAU用户名和密码登录. 此信息不作为反馈数据的一部分提交.
Officially, the University has you listed as "registered" for that course. Please contact the Registrar's office or your FAU advisor to determine why you are still registered in that class.
FAU的部门和学院在年度评估中使用个别教师的数据和评论, 以及终身职位和晋升的决定.
这取决于太阳城在线娱乐课程. 联系太阳城在线娱乐教授,他应该知道日期. 如果太阳城在线娱乐教授不确定,请太阳城娱乐(spot@fau).edu)与您的课程的crn#.
Yes. Faculty members are not able to associate specific responses with specific students. 不像纸质调查, 教员, 助教, 而其他学生看不到属于其他人的调查. In addition, instructors are not able to view the results for a particular course unless 5 or more responses have been completed. 所有的数字响应也被汇总. 这些政策有助于确保低入学率课程的学生受访者的匿名性, 以及反应率低的大型课程.
请访问FAU SPOT网站:http://www.bj7dian.com/spot/. Go to the bottom of the website and click where it says "CLICK HERE". 用您的FAU NetID登录. 点击每个课程来完成该课程的SPOT.
Yes. 您的登录信息不会作为反馈数据的一部分提交,所有SPOT结果都是100%匿名的.
The login is used to: verify that you are eligible to complete the SPOT; determine which courses are to be surveyed by you; and determine which courses have already been surveyed by you. IMPORTANT NOTE: Your login information is NOT submitted as part of the feedback data.

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很可能是因为只有不到5名学生完成了这门课的SPOT测试(99%的情况下)。. Also, it could be because the class SPOT was ineligible because it had too few students or individualized instruction like an internship.
Why weren't my SPOT Results sent to me when I know that my students did their SPOTs?
假设您的课程具有符合spot条件的时间表类型, 最可能的原因(99%的时间)是少于5名学生完成了SPOT测试. If that happens, the class is SPOT ineligible and no reports are produced. 仅仅因为你有很多学生并不能保证至少有5个学生将完成SPOT.
1)您的FAU电子邮件帐户:我们将所有报告发送到教授/主席/院长的电子邮件帐户. If you are a professor, search your FAU email account with "SWRTES41" and "SWRTES46". If you are a chair, search your FAU email account with "SWRTES43" and "SWRTES47". If you are a dean, search your FAU email account with "SWRTES51" and "SWRTES53".   2)如果你不再有电子邮件,请联系太阳城在线娱乐主席和院长,他们有所有教授SPOT报告. 
3)可以登录http://www.fau.并从我们的数据库访问它们. 然而,那里没有学生写的评论. 4)If you are a professor and need your written comments, please e-mail spot@bj7dian.com from your official FAU e-mail account and state which semester you need. 要明白,重新创建需要5-10个工作日. 5)如果您是院长或主席,请发送电子邮件至spot@bj7dian.com from your official FAU e-mail account and state which semester you need. 要明白,重新创建需要5-10个工作日.
Why can't I access my SPOT Reports and Comments from your SPOT website?
Likely, it was because fewer than 5 students completed the SPOT for the class. Also, it could be because the class SPOT was ineligible because it had too few students or individualized instruction like an internship. 此外,SPOT评论在我们的网站上是不可用的.
Yes. 关键是要与太阳城在线娱乐学生沟通,并监控SPOT的完成百分比. 让太阳城在线娱乐学生每天检查他们的电子邮件,并完成每门课程的在线调查. 定期提醒学生在本学期截止日期前完成SPOT评估. 你可能想要传达课程评估的价值, providing examples of how you have used them to improve your courses in the past. 强调结果是完全匿名和保密的. Students are not identified individually and results are not available to instructors until weeks after final grades are submitted by faculty. 记得定期检查太阳城在线娱乐回复率,并相应地调整你与学生的沟通. To monitor response rates in real-time, return to the home page of this site.
As an instructor, what steps do I need to take to prepare for SPOT?
在学期开始的时候, 您将收到一份教师的课程列表(SWRTES10将是您电子邮件的主题).). 它会列出你在这个学期或课间要教的所有课程. 它将列出有关课程的数据,包括课程代码, Section, CRN, Course Title, Section Type, 教学方法, Course Status, SPOT类型(或资格), 交叉列名课程(现况), 以及合同期限的一部分. 请确认该信息是否正确. 如果不是,请在6天内联系太阳城在线娱乐系主任(课间班则为2天)。. (不要给SPOT发电子邮件.) The most important information in that e-mail is SPOT type which will state if a SPOT will be conducted for the class or not. You will then receive an e-mail 2 days before the SPOT begins for your classes which will announce when the SPOT will open. 一旦SPOT开始,你可以鼓励太阳城在线娱乐学生来帮助提高回应率.
Can I see the SPOT results for individual sections that are cross-listed?
No. 交叉上市的部分被合并并视为一个部分. The results for individual cross-listed sections are not available. The instructor may receive PDF reports for each section in an e-mail. 在所有报告中,交叉列出的部分的合并结果将是相同的.
Can I send SPOT evaluations to students that are not enrolled in my class or block SPOT evaluations from students that stop attending my class?
No and no. 如果学生在太阳城在线娱乐班级注册,他或她将有机会参加SPOT.
No, every class has the same SPOT evaluation with the same questions.

问题1-5:说明所选百分比:完全同意, 有些同意, 有点不同意, 完全不同意, 无回应. 这些百分比加起来等于100%. 1-5题的平均得分由公式生成. (完全同意=, 有些同意= B, 有点不同意= C, 完全不同意= D, No Response=E)               Mean= (((A/100)+((B/100)*2)+((C/100)*3)+((D/100)*4)))/(((A+B+C+D)/100)) The best score possible is 1. 最差的分数是4分.      

问题6:说明选择的百分比:优秀,非常好,良好,一般,差,无回应. 这些百分比加起来等于100%. 第6题的平均分由一个公式生成. (Excellent=A, Very Good=B, Good=C, Fair=D, Poor=E, No response=F) Mean=((A/100)+((B/100)*2)+((C/100)*3)+((D/100)*4)+((E/100)*5))/(((A+B+C+D+E)/100)) The best score possible is 1. 最差的分数是5分.                 

How much time do students have to complete their SPOT evaluations?
足月- 21天
First 5 Weeks, Second 5 Weeks and Third 5 Weeks - 8 days  Intersession - 5 days.
SPOT结果大约在学期结束后6-8周在SPOT网站上公布. SPOT网站上没有SPOT评论. 现场报告和评论将直接发送给教职员工、系主任和院长. 它们只发送到FAU的电子邮件帐户
Are professors encouraged to talk to their students on the importance of SPOT?
I received my SPOT Reports for my class, but didn't receive my SPOT Comments. Why not?
Sometimes no one in the class participates in the SPOT comments section. 因此,不会生成SPOT Comments报告.
2) The academic department determines the Schedule Type which is confirmed by the Registrar and placed in the Banner. 管理SPOT的部门不参与这一过程.
我无法用Adobe打开我的SPOT结果/评论pdf文件. What do I do?
2)右键单击文件,选择“打开”,选择Microsoft Edge或Google Chrome.
我收到了每节课的SPOT报告,但当我有多节课时,我只收到了一份SPOT报告. 其他现货报告在哪里?
向下滚动文档. 每个pdf中可能有多个页面. File
1)小于或等于90%但大于0%的. 2)100%

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SPOT Results

Past Results



  1. 打开带有pdf附件的电子邮件.
  2. 右键单击pdf附件,选择“另存为”
  3. 在pc上保存pdf文件. 注意:记住您保存pdf文件的位置. You will need to know the location in order to open it in Google Chrome.
  4. 打开Google Chrome浏览器. If you do not have Google Chrome installed on your pc, you can get a copy at: http://www.google.com/chrome/
  5. 打开Google Chrome浏览器后,按下“Ctrl”和字母“O”。. This will open up a new browser window listing all your documents on your pc.
  6. 导航到您保存pdf文件的位置.
  7. 高亮显示pdf文件,点击右下角的“打开”或双击pdf文件. 现在应该显示pdf文档